Who are WE? | stepupfree
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Our Story

О нас

Dreamer, Traveler and Romantic : Daria Gribanovskaia, founder of our art space. Daria's first education is Hotel Event Manager and her second is Digtle Marketing.
Daria has been dancing since she was a child, but was hesitant to pursue a professional career. Was born in Kazakhstan, grew up in Russia and left at 17 to seek adventure in France.
In 2018, Daria enrolled in a professional dance school and has been living her dream ever since.
Her idea of creating an art space came from the fact that people, after the covid, with the increasing development of the Internet, have completely stopped appreciating time with each other, learning something new in REAL life. 
So we decided to create events that would teach people something new and help them get to know people. As well as dance classes, yoga, and nutrition counseling to help people find harmony with themselves.



Help People to feel good with themselves. Create Conncetions, Help Artists to develop themselves in the begginning of their career. 


Centre culturel dans  autour de l’art sous toutes ses formes : danse, yoga, exposition d'œuvre, art culinaire, musique, photographie etc...

De jour, la salle sera utilisée pour donner des cours et le soir la salle sera utilisée ou louée pour des événements culturels. En parallèle, nous continuons l’organisation d’événements thématiques partout dans le monde autour d'activités comme le yoga, la randonnée, la danse qui permettent aux gens de faire connaissance et d'apprendre de nouvelles choses.

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